Fiberstore Networks integrates tunable 10G DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) XFP’s

Fiberstore Networks integrates tunable 10G DWDM XFP’s into its product line.

Fiberstore Networks Ltd. a leading provider of CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing), 
DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) and Dark Fiber connectivity solutions, announced today integration of tunable full-band and narrow band XFP’s into its 10G DWDM product line.
Carriers, service providers, and network operators are faced with challenges to meet the demands of increased bandwidth requirements with simple to manage, flexible optical solutions at demanding ROI targets.  Tunable DWDM XFP’s are an important stepping stone in that direction.
Tunable DWDM XFP modules are distinguished from fixed wavelength XFP’s by their ability to be tuned by users to support any ITU standard based 50GHz/100GHz wavelength/channel in DWDM optical networks. This ability brings a number of valuable advantages for network operators:
Improved flexibility of the DWDM infrastructure – ROADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexor) embedded optical networks can together with tunable DWDM XFPs bring the optical transport solutions a step closer to real colorless optical transport networking.
Increased network capacity – tunable DWDM XFP’s can support 100Ghz as well as 50Ghz spacing which allows the service providers to use them for both 50GHz and 100GHz networks and enable building solutions with twice the channel capacity.
Reduced service delivery time - since there is no longer a need to wait for delivery of specific fixed wavelength optical interfaces, the existing optical infrastructure becomes more flexible and easier to configure, maintain, and support.  Tunable DWDM XFP’ s can be configured locally or remotely through Fiberstore management interfaces.
Lower number and overall cost of spare parts – since tunable XFP’s can be tuned by the customer to represent any wavelength or channel in the optical spectrum, customers can now avoid keeping expensive wavelength specific inventory for spares.  Instead, just a few units of tunable XFP’s can provide immediate spare parts for any wavelength or DWDM channel frequencies.
“Fiberstore integration of tunable XFPs will provide significant OPEX and CAPEX savings for the enterprise and service providers increasing the network flexibility and shortening the service commissioning time dramatically. Tunable DWDM XFP are an additional important step for moving towards colorless WDM infrastructure as we envision the next generation optical networks” stated Bink, Fiberstore VP Marketing.